
A method of determining the water structure in protein crystals is described using neutron solvent difference maps. These maps are obtained by comparing the changes in diffracted intensities between two data sets, one in which H2O is the major solvent constituent, and a second in which D2O is the solvent medium. To a good first approximation, the protein atom contributions to the scattering intensities in both data sets are equal and cancel, but since H2O and D2O have very different neutron-scattering properties, their differences are accentuated to reveal an accurate representation of the solvent structure. The method also employs a series of density modification steps that impose known physical constraints on the density distribution function in the unit cell by making real space modifications directly to the density maps. Important attributes of the method are that (1) it is less subjective in the assignment of water positions than X-ray analysis; (2) there is threefold improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio for the solvent density; and (3) the iterative density modification produces a low-biased representation of the solvent density. Tests showed that water molecules with as low as 10% occupancy could be confidently assigned. About 300 water sites were assigned for trypsin from the refined solvent density; 140 of these sites were defined in the maps as discrete peaks, while the remaining were found within less-ordered channels of density. There is a very good correspondence between the sites in the primary hydration layer and waters found in the X-ray structure. Most water sites are clustered into H-bonding networks, many of which are found along intermolecular contact zones. The bound water is equally distributed between contacting apolar and polar atoms at the protein interface. A common occurrence at hydrophobic surfaces is that apolar atoms are circumvented by one or more waters that are part of a larger water network. When the effects on surface accessibility by neighboring molecules in the crystal lattice are taken into consideration, only about 29% of the surface does not interface ordered water. About 25% of the ordered water is found in the second hydration sphere. In many instances these waters bridge larger clusters of primary layer waters. It is apparent that, in certain regions of the crystal, the organization of ordered water reflects the characteristics of the crystal environment more than those of trypsin's surface alone.

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