
The objective of the this study was to analyse the socioenvironmental, economic andsanitary aspects of an informal settlement located in the neighborhood of Parque SaoLuiz, in the municipality of Guarulhos, state of Sao Paulo. It is an anthropized area onthe right bank of the Cocho Velho stream, part of the Baquirivu Guacu river, atributary of the Tiete river. In order to better understand human impact on the localenvironment, we carried out a geographical characterization of the site using satelliteimages, a historical survey of the occupation through in loco visits, literature data,and an evaluation of the socio-environmental, economic and sanitary indicators. Tothis end, residents of 34 homes were formally interviewed. The number of dwellersvaried from one to four per household. The mean age of the interviewees was 33.4years old (SD = 13.75; min = 12; max = 63). The results revealed lack of sanitarysewage in all residences, inadequate ventilation due to the absence of windows in23.5% of them, and 29% of the residents stated that their garbage is dumped directlyinto the river and agglomeration of people in 32% of households (more than fourinhabitants), presence of synanthropic animals inside all houses, among other socioENCICLOPEDIA BIOSFERA, Centro Cientifico Conhecer - Goiânia, v.16 n.29; p. 1 2019environmental aspects with a strong influence on human and environmental health.This investigation revealed situations of inequities in terms of health and socioenvironmental vulnerability, to which the population of this informal settlement isexposed. This is especially due to overlapping risks, such as precarious health, poorhousing, low income and educational level. It was concluded that there is a need fora closer look from public management at such local issues and the development ofprograms and actions aiming to improve the living conditions of this population.

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