
The present research aims to analyze the basics and principles of the social theology of Imam Khomeini’s movement concerning the social functions of religion. This research used a descriptive-analytical method that fell under substantive analysis procedures based on library sources. Surveys have indicated that the basics of Imam Khomeini’s social theology are structured in a comprehensively coherent system consistent with his worldview, ontological and anthropological perspective. This perspective is founded on the Koran and the prophetic tradition against the contemporary materialistic worldview. Imam Khomeini was a prominent Islamic theologian who considered the relationship between religion and society to be closely connected, arguing that all monotheistic religions are tasked with educating man in all dimensions and helping him attain perfection, as this will not be fulfilled unless within a social context. Imam Khomeini believed that Islam as a monotheistic school has a special regard for society, considering human happiness to depend on a happy and perfect society. For this, he regards all Islamic calls, even those that have taken into account personal relations of the public, to be social calls.

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