
Most of Tianshan highway is located in Xinjiang where is the high and cold mountain area. Drifting snow and other disaster continue to occur, seriously affecting road traffic. Conventional monitoring is difficult to meet the emergency needs due to the influence of climate, topography, etc. The article selected MODIS data to inverse snow depth and temporal-spatial distribution in Dushanzi-Kuqa region of Tianshan Highway in recent years. Analysis revealed that the snowfall mainly was concentrated from the end of October to the beginning of April in the next year. The snow area is the least in summer of July, but the largest in winter, accounting for about 35.7% of the entire study area, the snow depth in most areas at 12 to 15 cm, the maximum snow cover depth is about 23 cm in the Dushanzi region of Wusu County. The results of study has a very important theoretical and practical significance to monitoring and control of diseases.

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