
Internet of things or familiarly known as IoT is an interconnection of things together in a digital world. By 2025, it is estimated that there will be about 21 billion of IoT devices existed in the world. This huge number of devices will require a portal to connect with the world. Currently, most of the portal that is available is based on Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) microprocessor. This type of microprocessor generates a lot of heat. The portal which is based on CISC requires a fan to disperse heat from the microprocessor. The fan requires regular maintenance and periodic replacement. By using ARM processor, the fan usage can be eliminated. The ARM processor usually generates less heat than CISC. The fan is suitable to be replaced with a system that will be able to conduct the heat from the processor via a heat conductor to the portal enclosure. An experiment comparing two ARM processors was carried out. The first ARM processor was a basic unit without a heat dispersal system and the second one was tested with a heat dispersal system. The heat reduction of about 20% was recorded in the unit with the heat dispersal system although the processor was running at high performance. From the results of the experiment, the developed system is proven to have reliable maintenance. The objective of this study is to provide an affordable IoT Portal that is robust and affordable to the general population. By having an affordable IoT Portal, a wider implementation of IoT can be provided especially for healthcare, agriculture and many more. Future works will be done to have an IoT Portal with the latest ARM Processor produced.

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