
In the era of globalization with conditions of competition that are quite tight and full of challenges, government officials are required to be able to provide the best service to the community and oriented to the needs of the community as regulated and established in Article 15 of Constitution Number 14 of 2011 which regulates the code of ethics of the police profession. The quality of service to the community is one indicator of the success of government administrators. In the life of the nation and state, the government has a function to provide various public services needed by the community, ranging from services in the form of regulations or other services in order to meet the needs of the community in the fields of education, health, facilities and others. Various public reform movements experienced by the community put pressure on the need to improve the quality of public service services provided by the government. Improving the quality of public services is absolutely necessary considering the better social conditions of the community so that they are able to respond to any irregularities in public services through movements and demands in print and electronic media. Through public services carried out for the community, the "face" of the agency figure will be widely assessed by the public.

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