
The global outbreak of covid-19 pandemic is still affecting people around the globe very badly. Before the covid-19 pandemic outbreak, several research works were done for the detection and prevention of various infectious diseases using different mathematical modeling. Implementing mathematical modeling to resolve problems in Biology and physiology is generally called Mathematical Biology, an extremely interdisciplinary area. The applications of mathematical modeling in the analysis of infectious diseases help to concentrate on the necessary processes associated with forming the infectious disease epidemiology and specifications estimation. The compartmental mathematical model can be either SI, SIS, SIR, SIRS, or SEIR where S, I, R, and E denote susceptible, infected, recovered, and exposed respectively. Malaria is an infectious disease that has a large economic and health impact on society. This study aims to predict the estimation of suspected, infected and recovered people using the SIR mathematical model of the Barama area of Baksa District in Assam, India. Here we analyzed the Basic Reproductive Ratio of the SIR model for malaria disease and examined if malaria is epidemic or endemic in that area.

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