
In the tourism industry, the accessibility of tourist destinations is very important. The purpose of accessibility is to provide convenience that can be felt by tourists. So that it gives the impact of ease of movement / movement of places when traveling. As one of the most attractive tourist destinations in Indonesia, Jakarta has many popular tourist destinations, ranging from historical destinations such as museums to fun tourist attractions. According to the number of destinations, Jakarta also has many types of public transportation that tourists can use to travel. However, analysis is needed to determine which destinations can be easily accessed from and to public transport stops. One of the most widely used solutions is to use network service area technology. This paper has created service area technology (ArcGIS) for various public transportation, namely TransJakarta bus stops, train stations, and Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) stations. The service area is used to determine tourist destinations that are easily accessible from and to public transport stops. Furthermore, the dashboard is made to facilitate the accessibility of the tourists. The dashboard created in this work can be easily accessed by tourists to help them explore tourist destinations in Jakarta.

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