
The retention behavior of 11 anti-depressive basic drugs was investigated on silica layers with non-aqueous mobile phases containing polar modifier – methanol, medium polar diluent – diisopropyl ether and aqueous ammonia or diethyl amine. The effect of ammonia or amine concentration and modifier concentration on retention, separation selectivity, and efficiency was examined. Investigated compounds were also chromatographed in RP systems on RP18 and CN-silica layers by use of aqueous eluents with various additives. The best results were obtained with addition of ammonia, playing the role of silanol blocker, which causes elimination of ion-exchange interaction of basic analytes with surface residual silanols. On the basis of these investigations, systems for extraction from human serum and quantitative determination of amitriptiline and doxepin were selected. Cyano SPE columns conditioned and pre-eluted with methanol-water (1:1) and eluted with methanol-water (8:2) containing 5% of formic acid were used for sample preparation with high recoveries of both drugs. RP-18 plates eluted with 70% methanol in water + 1% ammonia were used for quantitative analysis by a calibration curve method.

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