
Development growth around the industrial area has increased from year to year to meet the ideal industry criteria ranging from environmental, economic, physical and other aspects. Physical development affects accessibility so that it accelerates production and distribution by increasing the road network. Road network monitoring needs to be carried out to see its effect on the accessibility of industrial park. Therefore, this study analyzes the growth pattern of the road network as a support system for industrial area accessibility. This research was carried out in the Kendal Industrial Park in Kaliwungu, South Kaliwungu, and Brangsong Regencies. The research method uses the Remote Sensing method and Geographic Information System (GIS). Satellite imagery was digitalized on Worldview-2 (0.5 Meter) and SPOT-7 (1.5 Meter) satellite images with multitemporal 2010 and 2019. The digitization results were calculated on the total length of roads from 2010 to 2019. Road growth patterns were analyzed using spatial statistical analysis shown by Ellipse’s Standard Deviation. The growth of road net growth in Kendal Industrial Park from 2010 to 2019 is 45,645.392 meters or 45.645 kilometers. Road growth in the 3 sub-districts in the study area is heading north where in the north there is the Kendal Industrial Park which has a lot of road construction to support access to the Kendal Industrial Park or to other areas that are more effective and efficient.

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