
Aim.In many fields, the produced gas contains corrosive CO2, which, in combination with moisture and other factors, stimulates the intensive development of corrosion processes, including local ones, which requires careful attention to the assessment of the corrosiveness of operating fluids in order to select effective anti-corrosion protection. Ensuring reliable and safe operation of equipment and pipelines prevents not only man-made risks, but also no less important environmental risks, which are especially dangerous for marine underwater facilities for Arctic coastal facilities.Methods.The analysis of normative and technical documentation in the field of assessment of corrosion risks, aggressive factors of internal corrosion and operating conditions of gas and gas condensate fields has been carried out.Results.One of the criteria for assessing the corrosion hazard is the corrosion rate of steel under operating conditions. However, the normative documents predominantly regulate the general corrosion rate, which evaluates the uniform thinning of the metal. But the rate of local corrosion is in no way taken into account, which is most relevant precisely for the conditions of carbon dioxide corrosion of steel. Another tool for identifying risks can be a corrosion allowance to the pipe wall thickness, which should be selected at the design stage and which is provided to compensate for corrosion losses during the operation of gas pipelines. It is shown that the minimum corrosion allowance (3 mm) specified in the main regulatory documents is insufficient, especially for offshore facilities.Conclusion.The experience of operating gas production facilities confirms that the rate of local corrosion can reach several mm/year. To limit this, effective anti-corrosion measures should be chosen, for example, the use of corrosion inhibitors, and a reasonable level of corrosion allowance should be provided that would take into account the corresponding level of corrosion risks at the gas production facility.

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