
The purpose of this research is to analyze regional property asset management with phenomenological studies in the West Kutai Regency Government. This research uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The key informants in this research are goods user authorities in the General Section of the Regional Secretariat of West Kutai Regency Government as individuals who act as goods user administration officials, user goods management officers, and a number of officers who act as auxiliary goods administrators. The primary data source for this research is obtained from direct interviews with parties who have relevance to the research topic or key informants, while for secondary data using library studies and other documents such as regulations and legislation, periodic reports as well as other related supporting documents. The data collection technique used is an in-depth interview process. The process of obtaining information by asking key informants face to face. Data analysis aims to carry out data processing by reducing what is conveyed to the main points of thought until it reaches specific themes. The results of the research show that the factors causing regional property asset management in the West Kutai Regency Government are the unequal quality of managing human resources in all existing regional apparatuses, the lack of visible real action to improve asset problems, the failure of regional financial and asset bodies to develop actions prioritization of improving asset management, ignoring the benefits of data resources, the parent does not understand the relationship between business processes, and the parent does not carry out problem mapping. Keywords: Regional Property Asset Management, Human Resources, Regional Financial, Business Processes

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