
Abstract : The United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) has provided the number of enlistment contracts signed, by high school graduates in categories I through IIIa, for fiscal years 1988 through 1993. Enlistment bonuses are offered to attract these individuals to the Army, and to aid in channeling them into specific Military Occupational Spedalties (MOSs). The bonus amounts offered, and the particular MOSs with which they were associated, varied over the period studied. This study analyzed the numbers of contracts signed in 8 different MOS categories over these 6 fiscal years, seeking to identify the best enlistment bonus to offer for each of these MOSs. A simple linear spline model with one knot was used for each MOS; weighted least squares was used to estimate the parameters of the spline, induding the location of the knot. This knot location may then be used to identify the enlistment bonus to offer for that MOS.

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