
Ozet Bu calismada, Trabzon sehrinin 12 aylik donemde yagan yagisin kimyasal ozelliklerinin incelenmesi amaciyla uc ayri istasyonda toplanan yagis orneklerinde SO4 2- , NO3 - , NO2 - , Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , pH, PM 10 ve SO2 analiz edildi. Ornekleme istasyonlari Valilik, Bahcecik ve KTU kampus mevkiinde kurulmustur. Bu istasyonlardan Mayis 2008 ve Nisan 2009 tarihleri arasinda ornekler alinmistir. Yapilan analiz sonucunda ortalama pH degeri 6,81, ortalama sulfat, nitrat, nitrit, kalsiyum, magnezyum, PM10 ve SO 2 degerleri sirasiyla 2,99 mg SO4 2-/L, 0,30 mg NO3 -/L, 0,05 mg NO2 -/L, 0,66 mg Ca2+/L, 0,60 mg Mg2+/L, 40,50 μg PM 10 /m 3 ve 16,10 μg SO2/m 3 tespit edilmistir. Bu calismada elde edilen sonuclar, Turkiye'de yapilan diger calismalar ile karsilastirilmistir. Genel olarak, bu calismanin sonuclari, yagmur sularinin guclu yerel antropojenik kaynaklardan etkilendigini gostermistir. Yagmur suyu orneklerinde kirleticiler ozellikle tasimacilik, yerel sanayi ve trafikten kaynaklanmistir. Yagmur sularinin bu donemde alkali karakterde oldugu tespit edilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Asit yagmuru, hava kirliligi, Trabzon Kenti, yagmur suyu. Analysis of Rain Water in Trabzon Abstract This study has been carried out to investigate the chemical properties of the rains in winter in Trabzon city, Black Sea Region, Turkey. The rain water samples were collected at three stations which are in the, the Governership, Bahcecik and KTU campus standing. SO4 2-, NO3 -, NO2 -, Ca2+, Mg2+ pH, PM10 and SO2 concentrations of samples were determined. The samples are taken from May 2008 to April 2009 at these three stations. The average pH value was 6.81. The average pollutant concentrations of the rainwater samples were determined as follows : 2.99 mg SO4 2-/L, 0.30 mg NO3 -/L, 0.05 mg NO2 -/L, 0.66 mg Ca2+/L, 0.60 mg Mg2+/L, 40.50 μg PM10 /m3, 16.10 μg SO 2 /m3. The results of this study, compared with other studies conducted in Turkey. In general, the results of this study suggested that rainwater chemistry is strongly influenced by local anthropogenic sources rather than natural and marine sources. The pollutants in rainwater samples were mainly derived from transport, local industry and traffic sources. Rain water during this period have been found to be alkaline.

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