
Co-branding serves as a strategic approach to identify and collaborate with compatible partners, ensuring alignment in values, target audiences, and objectives. A meticulously designed questionnaire was utilized to explore the potential fit between brands, specifically emphasizing brand image, values, and various essential criteria. The objective was to sculpt a robust marketing strategy for co-branded products or services. Furthermore, this tool aimed to highlight potential risks, paving the way for pre-emptive risk management strategies. The study particularly focused on the student demographic, recognizing them as the primary target for trendy co-branded offers. Demographic categorizations included age, gender, and cost of living to segment and analyze responses effectively. A notable finding was the pivotal role of gender in the purchase intent for co-branded products; females exhibited a higher propensity than males. Moreover, general attitudes towards such products remained neutral to positive across all cost-of-living segments, indicating a broad acceptance of co-branding initiatives.

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