
To analyze the current state of the journal “Agrarian Science”, the prospects for its development and correction of editorial policy, some indicators of the journal›s publication activity for 2023 are presented. In 2023, 248 scientific articles were published in 12 issues of the journal “Agrarian Science”in four sections presented in the journal — Agronomy; Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine; Agroengineering and food technologies; Economics, which is an average of 20.7 articles per issue. The editorial board provides open and free access to all materials published in the issues of the magazine. The average number of authors in a scientific article of the journal “Agrarian Science” is 3.2 people. In 2023, the number of publications with the participation of foreign authors amounted to 15 articles (6% of the total number), and Kazakhstan is the most active foreign country among those published in the journal in 2023 — 73% of the total number of publications among foreign authors. The average number of sources in the bibliographic lists of scientific articles of the journal for 2023 is 17.2 references. The main authors of the articles are candidates of sciences (or PhD) — 47.1% of the total number of authors. The number of publications funded from various scientific foundations or grants is 119, or 49% of the total number.

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