
This research aims to analyze the public policies implemented by Ngawi district government in sports development for the 2016-2021 period. This research is a descriptive qualitative research to analyze the policy documents of ngawi district in sports development by using public policy content analysis. The analysis of this research discusses the description and analysis of documents as well as discussion of the results. The results showed that Ngawi district policies were in the form of formal policies that used written decisions and were passed by the Regent, Legislative Assembly, and related agencies. Ngawi Regency has a policy direction in sports development in fostering human resources and infrastructure to increase the quantity of achievement. The Ngawi district development policy contains sports development through coaching and development programs with a system that stimulates development in order to increase regional achievement. The results show that Ngawi district's policy documents on sports development are sufficient to qualify as public policy documents, even though the district is focused on development in other areas and is a little unsustainable. As a policy document, the development documents of Ngawi district already have targets with general programs and achievements every year, but there needs to be additions to the program implementation guidelines and performance guidelines. By fixing and complementing existing deficiencies, hopefully the Ngawi district government policies in sports development can serve as guidelines and hopes for the entire Ngawi district sports community in improving the management, coaching and achievements of regional sports.

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