
Aim. The goal of research was to study the features of protein complex and isoflavones content in the soybean and checkpea seed for development the characterictics of legume selection of food direction. Methods. 7S and 11S globu-lins were separated by method, which was developed in the Laboratory of Plant Biochemistry (Patent # 42181). Protein content was determined by Kjeldahl method. Isoflavones content were determined by spectrophotometric method. Results. The features of protein complex and isoflavones content in the soybean and checkpea seed of genotypes of Ukrainian and foreign plant breeding were researched. It was shown that the studied genotypes of soybean, chickpea differ widely in the content of total protein, 7S and 11S globulins and isoflavones. The polymorphism between varieties on the electrophoresis spectrums of component composition of 7S and 11S globulins of soybean was established. The features of 7S and 11S globulins content, its ratio and component composition of genotypes of different phylogenesis origin, F3.F8 hybrids of soybean and their paternal forms were identified. It was established that soybean and checkpea genotypes of different phylogenesis origin were characterized by different content in the component composition of storage proteins of α, α', β subunits of β-conglycinin, А3, А5, А, B components of glycinin, 2S albumin, vicilin subunit (50 kDa), legumin subunit (20 kDa). These subunits and components have negative and positive influence on the man health. Conclusions. The got results open fundamentally new approach of estimation of legumes on a quality of seed and can be used for authetication of legume varieties of the food direction. Keywords: Legume, 11S globulin, 7S globulin, isoflavones.

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