
The scientific article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of prospective legislation in the field of organization of service training of employees of the security sector in order to ensure their tactical literacy. The growing threat of internal and external security challenges calls into question the effectiveness and relevance of existing legislation in this area. The author analyzes the existing legal norms and provisions that regulate the training of security sector forces in the context of tactical literacy, in particular, the structure of training, requirements for instructors and training programs.
 The article also examines the challenges facing current legislation, such as changes in the technological environment, global terrorist threats and the complexity of the tasks facing security sector forces. The authors try to identify shortcomings and gaps in the legislative framework, which can become an obstacle to achieving a high level of tactical literacy of employees.
 In this context, the author emphasizes the need to review and modernize the legislative acts that regulate the activities of the security forces. They emphasize the importance of adapting legal norms to the rapidly changing technological environment, which creates new opportunities and threats. In addition, the article discusses the need to improve the mechanisms of cooperation and exchange of information between various bodies and countries to combat global terrorist threats.
 The author also analyzes the complex tasks facing the forces of the security sector and which can be solved by implementing modern training methods and improving the professional training of employees. They put forward proposals for the development of educational programs that would include relevant knowledge and skills necessary for successfully solving tasks in the field of security.
 A comparative analysis with the legislation of other countries is carried out and best practices are studied regarding the organization of official training of security sector forces. The author considers possible ways to improve the legislation in this area in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the tactical literacy of employees.

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