
The present paper is an attempt to explore professional development practices for teachers in secondary schools of Pakistan. Research has attempted to discover the better ways for professional development of teachers in secondary schools in addition to many other factors like continue training, in service education, workshops etc. counseling and incentives are also very important factors to discuss here because in Pakistan teachers face many problems while getting professional development so counseling, incentives are necessary for continuous professional development of teachers. Otherwise many lose heart due to a lot of problems faced by them during professional development trainings. The purpose of the study is to explore the term professional development, to make teachers able to manage the class more efficiently and also increase the level of learning throughout their career and also find the hindrances in professional development programs of teachers in secondary schools of Pakistan and to provide the better solution to overcome the hurdles by providing different training programs batter than that provided in the past. So for these purpose schools of Pakistan we took a sample for the collection of relevant data. Our study is also helpful to explore how we can make the professional development programs more effective and professional development is helpful for teachers and what are their purpose to design these programs moreover explore the challenges they are facing recently and what issues arises related to it and how could we minimize these. Researchers have applied qualitative technique in order to collect and interpret data. Semi structured interview were conducted from ten teachers of public and private schools. Moreover hundred questionnaires are also filled up from both of the schools, in which we use the liker scale. This study also explores practical implications and what adoptions can be utilized in order to improve the professional development program of public and private school teachers in Punjab. From research it has concluded that professional development programs are not so effective because programs are characterized with inflexible curriculum which ignored teacher’s needs. In other sense there is no connection between their professional development and every day class room needs. Secondly due to the time constraints mostly teachers are not interested in these programs, they just take in to get certificates. Thirdly teachers have no input while planned training topics there is lack of teacher’s involvement in planning and training process. At the end there is no proper plan for follow up and transferred activities to class room practices. Professional development of teachers must be planned, funded and supported. Teachers must be encouraged to participate in training programs. There should be proper co-ordination in professional development programs, so that logical sequence of experience should be followed. Key words:Professional Development, Enhancement, Issues, Secondary education, Appraisal, Learning

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