
The objectives of this study were (1) to describe the learning steps of triangular material using a problem-based learning model (2) to describe the problem-solving skills of class VII students of the Yogyakarta Institute of Indonesia Junior High School in triangular material, after learning using problem-based learning. This type of research is design research. The research instruments used were field notes and learning outcomes test sheets. Field notes are used to describe the steps of problem-based learning while the learning outcomes test sheet is used to see students’ problem solving skills according to NCTM. Method of collecting data is in the form of documentation and test results. Data analysis techniques carried out are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. This research was conducted in March 2019. The research subjects were 20 seventh grade students of the Yogyakarta Indonesian Institute Junior High School. The results of this study are in the form of a description of the implementation of a problem-based learning model in triangular material and the analysis of problem solving skills of seventh grade students of the Yogyakarta Indonesian Institute Junior High School after the learning outcomes test. Based on the results of the learning process description, the steps of the problem-based learning model in the triangular material at Indonesia Institute of Yogyakarta Junior High School at the first and second meetings were carried out according to the design made by the researcher. For analysis of problem solving skills, in the number one problem, students have reached 4 indicators of problem solving skills according to NCTM. Whereas in question number two, students have reached 3 indicators of problem solving skills according to NCTM.

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