
This study aims to describe the steps of the learning process by using Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach and students’ problem solving ability on inner tangent between the two circles material after experiencing the learning process using PBL approach. The type of research used is design research. The subjects of the research were eighth grade students of Santo Aloysius Sleman junior high school. The object of the research was problem solving ability of eighth grade students of Santo Aloysius Sleman junior high school using PBL approach. The stages carried out in the study were the prior design, trial, and implementation of learning. Data analysis techniques of the research are data reduction, data presentation and conclusions or verification. In this study the researchers designed and developed the Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) with the PBL approach to inner tangent between the two circles material as the learning model. Researchers designed and developed Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) with Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach for tangent line to two circles as the learning model. HLT is made, implemented in learning to describe the steps of the learning process and analyze students’ problem solving ability. The steps of the research were as follow: orient the students through inner tangent between the two circles; organize the students to learn; guide the individual’s or groups’ experience towards the learning process; develop and present the students’ work from group discussions; and conclude the results of the learning process that have been done. From the result of tests and interviews, the researchers found that all students experienced the five indicators of problem solving ability based on NCTM.

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