
An analysis of the power requirements of the peanut harvesting machine was carried out to determine the type and size of tractor power that will be used. A tractor with a self-propelled motor will distribute traction power to the peanut harvesting implement on the peanut digger unit (digger), the peanut plant shaker/shake unit and the pod reversing unit with peanut plants (inverter). Field performance results obtained by a digging machine with a 90 HP four-wheeled tractor with a working width of 120 cm, depth of 11.6 cm, working capacity of 3,27 hours/ha (0,31 ha/hours), field working efficiency of 72.05%, fuel oil usage of 6.95 liters/ ha, and power for harvesting peanuts of 9.2916 hp. The operational costs of a peanut harvesting machine is IDR 134,331 per ha. By using a (general) rental rate of IDR 175,000 per ha, a rental profit 0f IDR 33,951 per hais obtained with the BEP of the peanut harvesting machine having to work for 865.66 hours per year or 1,731 ha per year with a B/C ratio of 1,07966 at 10% interest and 1.06187 with 16% interest and IRR of 40,12%.

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