
Analysis of particularities of technology and topologies of micro resistance welding power supply main part showed that the welding machines have special energy consumption character. Quite large energy is consumed during short pulses. This feature of energy consumption can cause the negative influence of micro resistance welding machine power supplies on a power network. To minimize this effect, the power supplies for micro resistance welding are designed according to the Energy Storage topology, which includes the obligatory elements like a charger, an energy storage, and a current pulse generator.The analysis of power loss components in the main functional units of the power supply for micro resistance welding, charger, and current pulse generator, was carried out. The estimation of power losses in the main units of the power supply for the micro resistance welding machine was specified by simulation of the structure, in which the functional unit is formed by one cell. An alternative topology for constructing a current pulse generator was considered – a topology of Split-pi converter. Also, simulation of the circuits of the main functional units of the power supply for micro resistance welding using LTspice was performed, and the obtained results were compared with the results of analytical calculations. The obtained results showed that at high frequencies, 200… 500 kHz, the significance of power losses in magnetic elements increases, and their influence on the overall efficiency of the circuits increases, which indicates the necessity to take into account these components of power losses in practical calculations.It was found out that the power losses in the Split-pi converter were higher than the ones in the Buck converter over the entire range of the studied frequencies. Under such conditions, the expediency of the use of the Split-pi converter topology as an alternative is questionable. At the same time, it was noted that the use of a new element base and non-standard approaches to optimization during the design of a multi-cell structure could provide equal or even lower power losses compared to the Buck converter. Given the other advantages of the topology of Split-pi converter, it is advisable to focus further efforts on a comprehensive analysis of such converters and their modifications as a basis for designing a current pulse generator for micro resistance welding.


  • Analysis of particularities of technology and topologies of micro resistance welding power supply main part showed that the welding machines have special energy consumption character

  • Quite large energy is consumed during short pulses

  • This feature of energy consumption can cause the negative influence of micro resistance welding machine power supplies on a power network

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За основу для аналізу складових втрат в джерелі живлення було використано схему на рис. Найбільша частина загальних втрат зарядного пристрою пов'язана з динамічними втратами в напівпровідникових елементах і втратами провідності, що спричиняються паразитними опорами [4], [7]. Більшість теоретичних підходів до розрахунку втрат в індуктивних елементах силових схем базуються на застосуванні рівняння Штейнмеца, яке визначає залежність потужності втрат від об’єму осердя, частоти комутації та індукції в магнітопроводі [5]. За результатами аналізу методик для розрахунку потужності втрат на елементах перетворювачів джерела живлення [8]–[12] було визначено і впорядковано необхідні для розрахунку рівняння у вигляді табл. 1. Далі на основі цих формул будуть отримані розрахункові залежності і побудовано графіки залежності потужності втрат від частоти перемикання напівпровідникових елементів формувача імпульсів струму та зарядного пристрою

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