
The work is devoted to the problem of bioremidation of soils contaminated with petroleum products. The data on the effect of the ”Redetoil” biodestructor developed by us on oil-polluted soils are presented. Evaluation of soil restoration was carried out using phytotesting on the seeds of Brassica oleracea L. Phytotesting showed that after 30 days of remediation, the oil-contaminated soil becomes less toxic to the seeds of Brassica oleracea L., which indicates the rapid effectiveness of ”Remedoil” as an oil biodestructor. During the 8 months of remediation, there is a significant decrease in the toxicity of the soil for the seeds of Brassica oleracea L., which indicates the effectiveness of the drug ”Remedoil” as a biodestructor of petroleum products. On the studied soils, seedlings are formed, the length of which is on average 200 or more times longer than in the first variant of the experiment, the seeds are characterized by earlier germination, high germination rates and the presence of lateral roots in the seedlings.

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