
To examine the impact of supply and demand factors on filled positions for pharmacists and pharmacist extenders (pharmacist technicians and aides) and assess differences across states through analysis of state-level pharmacist labor market data. Cross-sectional analysis. United States. Not applicable. Not applicable. State-level counts of filled pharmacist and pharmacist-extender positions, wages, and various available demographic, health, policy, and other factors related to the pharmacist labor market. Across states, the total population and the number of community pharmacy prescriptions were very accurate predictors (R2 = 0.99) of the number of pharmacist and pharmacist-extender positions, and all other variables were insignificant after these two variables were controlled for. Pharmacists and pharmacist-extenders were positively correlated, and the ratio of the two was not related to observable policy-related variables. Outlying states, in terms of simple pharmacist-to-population ratios, were difficult to categorize. Future changes in prescriptions are likely to affect the pharmacist and pharmacist-extender labor markets. Across states, pharmacists and extenders relate as complements rather than substitutes. The number of pharmacist graduates and state-level regulations regarding technician-to-pharmacist ratios appears to have a small effect on filled positions across states.

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