
Despite the creation of more and more new generations of antibacterial agents, the correction of intestinal dysbiosis in animals currently remains one of the most complex and urgent problems in clinical veterinary medicine. The article presents an analysis of the pathogenetic manifestation (microbial background, hematological analytes) in decompensated intestinal dysbacteriosis in domestic cats in the dynamics of its correction. The aim of the study was to study the comparative effectiveness of various pharmacotherapy regimens for decompensated intestinal dysbacteriosis in cats. The data shows that when correcting decompensated intestinal dysbacteriosis in domestic cats, the most rational treatment regimen is the complex use of Lactobifadol probiotic (contains at least 1.0 106 CFU/g of lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus LG1-DEP-VGIKI and 8.0 107 CFU/g of bifidobacteria Bifidobacterium adolescentis B-1-DEP-VGNKI), Vetelact prebiotic (contains lactulose - not less than 50 %), Azoksivet immunomodulator (contains 1.5 mg of azoximer bromide in 1 ml), as well as infusion therapy (intravenous drip injection of 10 ml/kg of 0.9 % sodium chloride solution; 10 ml/kg of 5 % glucose solution; 5 ml/kg of rheosorbelact and 2.5 ml/kg of refortan). This was confirmed by the results of pathogenetic picture (analysis of the microbial background and individual hematological analytes), in the dynamics of pharmacotherapy, namely before the start of correction, as well as on days 7 and 14. The improvement of diagnostic approaches and methods for correcting the most severe degree of intestinal dysbacteriosis (the stage of decompensation) creates prerequisites for the future study of dysbiotic disorders of the intestinal tract in other animal species, considering the severity of its manifestation.

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