
With the development of teaching information technology, the teaching mode is also constantly innovating. In order to compare the teaching effect of different teaching modes, this research designs an online and offline mixed teaching mode according to the characteristics of physical skills courses. The 2019 and 2020 general table tennis students were taken as the experimental objects, and the 2019 students were the control class (100 students), and the traditional teaching mode was adopted, that is, the offline teaching mode, the teacher explained and guided, and the students practiced on the spot; the 2020 students The online and offline mixed teaching mode was adopted for the experimental class (89 students). The online and offline mixed teaching mode uses ding talk software to carry out live teaching and combined with the course teaching plan for this semester, the national-level excellent course of "Table Tennis" course of Chengdu Institute of Physical Education on the MOOC platform of Chinese University is selected. Data research uses Pearson correlation for analysis, the formula is r = Lxy/√Lxx-Lyy, Lxx is the sum of squares of the deviation of the X variable, Lyy is the sum of the squares of the deviation of the Y variable, Lxy is the sum of the product of the dispersion of the X and Y variables. The scores between classes were compared using one-way variance. Results show that (1) The online and offline combined teaching mode of "Table Tennis Teaching and Training" was constructed; (2) Under the online and offline mixed teaching mode, the students' basic skills, forehand attack, backhand push, competition results and total of table tennis lessons were established. The scores are significantly higher than the traditional teaching mode, indicating that the online and offline mixed teaching mode is more suitable for college students' table tennis skills courses, which can significantly improve the students' skill level and overall score. (3) Students are highly satisfied with the combination of online and offline teaching mode and have high interest in learning. Conclusion: The mixed teaching mode of online and offline enriches the teaching mode of skill courses and provides theoretical and practical support for the reform of skills course teaching.

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