
The strategy in overcoming obstacles and obstacles in the Implementation of One Data for Hulu Sungai Selatan in accordance with Regent Regulation Number 40 of 2021 in Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency is to increase the disposition factor or attitude of the implementer which has been successfully implemented optimally. In the indicators for the appointment of bureaucrats, all policy implementers carry out their duties with discipline and responsibility. Meanwhile, on the incentive indicator for the One Data Website admin officer in the Website Portal field, there are no incentives given specifically to the administrator of the One Data HSS Website. One Data Officers have been given a salary and Performance Allowance or honorarium according to their duties and functions. One Data Admin, both from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics and from the OPD, received an assignment from the Head of the OPD to fill in sectoral statistical data on the Hulu Sungai Selatan one data portal. In addition, the last factor, namely the bureaucratic structure, has also been successfully implemented. In the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) indicator, there are already Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) at the Communication and Information Office of Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency in the Regional Digitization Program in carrying out their duties and carried out according to the SOP. In the fragmentation indicator, all communities are carried out equally without being privileged, either from the relevant agencies such as Bappelitbangda or the general public who are looking for data for research purposes and so on.

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