
Human osteosarcoma and fibrosarcoma cell lines were investigated for alterations in oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, and growth factors, all of which have been implicated in tumor formation. Characterization of oncogenes that are involved in osteosarcoma formation, including the c-fos and c-myc oncogenes, indicated that all six osteosarcoma cell lines examined had 5- to 20-fold amplification of the c-myc oncogene, whereas neither of two fibrosarcoma cell lines c-myc amplification. Interestingly, only three of six osteosarcoma cell lines displayed altered c-myc immediate-early gene function. c-fos was found to be normal, both at the gene and functional levels, in all six osteosarcoma and both fibrosarcoma cell lines tested. Characterization of two tumor suppressor genes, p53 and RB1, that have been implicated in osteosarcoma formation indicated that p53 was altered in five of six osteosarcoma cell lines, whereas RB1 was altered in only two or six of these cell lines. Neither RB1 nor p53 was found to be altered in the fibrosarcoma cell lines tested. An additional transformation marker, autocrine growth-factor production, was observed in all six osteosarcoma cell lines and both fibrosarcoma cell lines examined. Finally, the differentiation state of the osteosarcoma cell lines was investigated via the bone differentiation markers alkaline phosphates and osteocalcin. Alkaline phosphatase activity was observed in four of six osteosarcoma cell lines but not in the two fibrosarcoma cell lines examined. The alkaline phosphatase activity was a result of the expression of the bone/liver/kidney alkaline phosphatase isoform. High-level osteocalcin expression was observed in one of the osteosarcoma cell lines but not in the two fibrosarcoma cell lines examined, although all cell lines demonstrated low-level osteocalcin expression. Together, these data demonstrate that relatively undifferentiated osteosarcomas commonly display c-myc amplification, p53 and RB1 mutation, and autocrine growth-factor production, all of which may play a role in osteosarcomagenesis.

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