
Sentra Industri Mie Soon Desa Manjung is one of the Mie Soon processing and trading businesses located in Desa Manjung, Ngawen, Klaten. The research was conducted on 10 UMKMs under the auspices of the Adi Mulyo Cooperative. Some of these Mie Soon processing businesses still use manual labour and as well as a lack of awareness among workers regarding the implementation of Occupational Safety and Health (K3). Other backgrounds include lack of awareness about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), lack of lighting in the packaging room, manual removal of sacks of palm flour and firewood, repetitive movement activities for long periods, hands pierced by nails and zinc edges, itchiness due to chlorine, chlorine explodes, odor sting washing waste and so forth. This study aims to assess the previous application of K3 and control potential hazards in reducing work accidents. Based on the conducted assessment of OSH using WISE, it can be concluded that the implementation of OSH in UMKM Mie Soon Desa Manjung is not optimal. The results of the recapitulation and calculation of UMKM J which has the largest percentage of 11%, suggested immediate action. The results of RRN calculations using the SWIFT method identified 7 risks divided into one of the main priority, four of the medium priority, three of the low priority, and one of the lowest priority. Therefore, an improvement of UMKM working activities, especially those in main priority, needs to be seized. These working activities are composed of posture load, operator error, exposure to sharp and hot materials, manual handling, and chemicals.

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