
This study aims to analyze factors of non-financial business performance in drinking water companies in Aceh province, Indonesia. The subjects of this study were the regional drinking water companies in Aceh, totaling 210 people, aimed at the directors of the regional drinking water companies and heads of sections. The technique used was convenience sampling, while the data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation and multiple regression, and bootstrapping. This study also aimed to determine the significant positive direct effect and the indirect influence of human capital factors, environmental uncertainty, wealth, and organizational innovation on the performance of the Regional Drinking Water Company in Aceh Province. The results of the analysis obtained Composite Reliability values for all constructs are excellent, namely > 0.70, meaning that all construct indicators are reliable or meet the reliability test: (1) human resources with Composite Reliability is 0.862; (2) Environmental Uncertainty with Composite Reliability is 0.801; (3) Ambidexterity with Composite Reliability is 0.803; (4) Coping House Indicated Wealth Resources with Composite Reliability is 0.864; (5) Organizational Innovation with Composite Reliability of 0.876; and (6) performance with Composite Reliability of 0.879. The implication is that there is a positive and significant direct effect among the following variables: Human Capital, Environmental Uncertainty, Ambidexterity, Resource–Induced Coping Heuristics (RICH), and Organizational Innovation on the Performance of Employees of the Regional Drinking Water Company in Aceh Province. Keywords: Human Capital, Environmental Uncertainty, Ambidexterity, Resource–Induced Coping Heuristics, Organizational Innovation DOI: https://doi.org/10.35741/issn.0258-2724.58.1.18

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