
The Hermann’s tortoise is a strictly European species found mostly in areas with Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean climes and, especially the subspecies T. hermanni hermanni, has to deal with various threats which reduced its geographic distribution to only a few isolated populations. Thus, with the objective of recovering natural populations of the species, numerous reintroduction projects are being carried out throughout its historical and prehistorical geographic distribution. The aim of our study is to evaluate the success of the T. hermanni reintroduction project carried out in the Albufera de Valencia Natural Park since 2011, through the analysis of movements, home range sizes and habitat use in a new environment. The recorded activity pattern presents two peaks, one in spring and another in August, and the hibernation period (from December to February) is the same as observed in other populations. We did not find significant differences in home range sizes between sexes, but a tight relation between home range sizes and body sizes with larger individuals having larger home ranges. This relation was not observed for core areas (Kernel at 50%). Considering the habitat use, we did not find differences between the groups of individuals we defined, but different types of habitats were used differently. “Scrub” was the most frequented (∼50%), followed by “dunes” (∼20%), “mallaes” (∼20%) and “forest” (<20%). Our results can be used to improve the success of future reintroduction projects by directing ideal habitat, timing and carapace size of released Hermann’s tortoises.

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