
After Elon Musk announced his plan to acquire Twitter, it attracted extensive attention from various sectors of society. In recent years, Musk, who is a maverick, not only has unquestionable solvency but also enjoys a great reputation in society. Twitter is a leader in social media platforms, frequently appearing in people's sight, and has become an indispensable part of social software. In order to explore the truth of the matter and bring enlightenment to investors as well as corporations, this study will analyze Musk's acquisition motivation, acquisition method, and financing method based on some news reports, Twitter's financial reports, as well as Musk's words and deeds. According to the analysis of this acquisition case, it is not difficult to notice that this event has a profound impact not only on Musk and Twitter but also on society and American politicians' elections. Overall, these results shed light on guiding further exploration of acquisition for KOL and social media industry.

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