
This study aimed to analyze and describe the level of learning motivation and students’ learning, as well as the obstacles faced by students in online learning during pandemic. This type of research was a qualitative descriptive study conducted at University of Muhammadiyah Makassar during March-April 2020. The population were 19,810, determining the number of samples with the Slovin formula so that the samples were 724 people. The sampling technique was accidental sampling. The method of collecting data using questionnaires that were distributed through google forms. The data analysis technique was descriptive qualitative to describe the research variables. Findings of the study conclude that: 1) Although the learning obstacles faced by students during the pandemic are quite a lot, but student learning motivation is in the high category with mean score is 4,11. Students’ motivation is seen from the indicators desire to succeed, the need for learning, the expectation of students' aspirations for their future, independent learning because of their own desires, committed to learning, having initiative in learning, and having an optimistic attitude in learning; 2) The way students learn is in the pandemic era in the good category with mean score is 3.51. Students have their own way of learning such as arrange learning schedule, rehearse the learning material, spend time reading books, articles and references, and make a summary of the material that has been discussed; 3) Learning constraints faced by students in the pandemic period are in the high category with mean score is 3.69.


  • The purpose of this study was to analyze in-depth the level of learning motivation and student learning, as well as the obstacles faced by students in online learning during the pandemic

  • The results of the study conclude that there is quite a lot of learning obstacles faced by students during the pandemic, including inadequate learning facilities, inadequate networks, expensive, and learning condition at home which is not conducive, and lecturing schedules that are carried out by lecturers irregularly, but these obstacles are not that significant because student learning motivation is in the high category with indicators of desire and willingness to succeed, the need for learning, the expectation of student aspirations for the future, learn independently because of their wants, commit, have initiative, and have an optimistic attitude; In terms of learning methods, student learning methods are in a good category

  • Jadwal kuliah dilakukan oleh dosen dengan tidak teratur Mean Variabel Kendala Belajar

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Analisis Motivasi Dan Cara Belajar Mahasiswa Di Masa Pandemi

Wahyuddin Wahyuddin 1*, Maharida Maharida 1, Edi Jusriadi 2, Syafaruddin Syafaruddin 1. Dimasa pandemi aktivitas pendidikan formal, pembelajaran dan penilaian tetap berjalan dan dilaksanakan secara daring, namun pelaksnaan pembelajaran dari menuai banyak permasalahan dan kendala yang dihadapi mahasiswa sehingga motivasi dan cara belajar merupakan salah satu faktor yang memberi kontribusi dalam pembelajaran on line dimasa pandemi. Bukti empiris tentang pentingnya cara belajar dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar dikemukakan oleh Hidayati (2011) dengan kesimpulan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan cara belajar terhadap prestasi belajar siswa; Berdasarkan kajian sebelumnya pada latar belakang yang menguraikan bahwa motivasi dan cara belajar merupan dua variabel yang memiliki kontribusi penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas proses pembelajaran yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tingkat motivasi dan cara belajar mahasiswa di masa pandemi serta kendala apa yang dihadapi mahasiswa selama belajar online di masa pandemi. Dasar interpretasi kategori hasil penelitian berdasarkan Jr et al (2017) dengan sebaran sebagai berikut.Tabel 1

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