
The prevalence of cesarean sections as much as 80% have exceeded the figure recommended by WHO, about 10-15%, supported by several factors. One of them is self-autonomy which is not owned by the mother causing a lack of knowledge about pregnancy. Knowledge has an effect of 1.8 times on readiness for pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Antenatal education is a service requested by most pregnant women worldwide such as childbirth education programs or birth preparation classes. This research uses a qualitative research design. Data collection was done through in-depth interviews using a sample of 9 main informants (pregnant women). The primary and secondary qualitative data were collected through data processing and analysis techniques, imported into NVivo and classified according to the type of data to facilitate the processing and analysis of data in NVivo 12 Plus. Knowledge of the pregnancy process of pregnant women with low results; Knowledge of pregnancy signs of pregnant women with low results; Knowledge of the benefits of pregnancy examination with high results; Knowledge of the examination schedule of pregnant women is high; Knowledge of physical changes of pregnant women with low results; Knowledge of gestational age with high results; Knowledge of pregnancy danger signs with low results. Knowledge of pregnant women about pregnancy with results is still lacking, namely the knowledge of the pregnancy process, signs of pregnancy, physical changes, and signs of danger of pregna Therefore, it is necessary to provide educational services at Pratama Az-Zahra Tangerang Clinic.
 Keywords: section caesarea, knowledge, pregnant women, pregnancy

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