
The paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) sends dense projections to the shell of the nucleus accumbens (NAcSh), dorsolateral region of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTDL) and the lateral region of central nucleus of the amygdala (CeL). Projection specific modulation of these pathways has been shown to regulate appetitive and aversive behavioral responses. The present investigation applied an intersectional monosynaptic rabies tracing approach to quantify the brain-wide sources of afferent input to PVT neurons that primarily project to the NAcSh, BSTDL and CeL. The results demonstrate that these projection neurons receive monosynaptic input from similar brain regions. The prefrontal cortex and the ventral subiculum of the hippocampus were major sources of input to the PVT projection neurons. In addition, the lateral septal nucleus, thalamic reticular nucleus and the hypothalamic medial preoptic area, dorsomedial, ventromedial, and arcuate nuclei were sources of input. The subfornical organ, parasubthalamic nucleus, periaqueductal gray matter, lateral parabrachial nucleus, and nucleus of the solitary tract were consistent but lesser sources of input. This input–output relationship is consistent with recent observations that PVT neurons have axons that bifurcate extensively to divergently innervate the NAcSh, BSTDL and CeL.

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