
We present analytical and computer studies of the CW mode-locked and intracavity frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser which provide new insight into the operation, including the detuning behavior, of this type of laser. Computer solutions show that the steady-state pulse shape for this laser is much closer to a truncated cosine than to a Gaussian; there is little spectral broadening for on-resonance operation; and the chirp is negligible. This leads to a simplified analytical model carried out entirely in the time domain, with atomic linewidth effects ignored. Simple analytical results for on-resonance pulse shape, pulse width, signal intensity, and harmonic conversion efficiency in terms of basic laser parameters are derived from this model. A simplified physical description of the detuning behavior is also developed. Agreement is found with experimental studies showing that the pulsewidth decreases as the modulation frequency is detuned off resonance; the harmonic power output initially increases and then decreases; and the pulse shape develops a sharp-edged asymmetry of opposite sense for opposite signs of detuning.

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