
The purpose of the work is to analyze the modern domestic and foreign practice of extending the life of railway and road bridges as part of the problematic state of the transport and road complex, taking into account the impact on the quality condition of these objects of various factors and operating conditions due to their renewal and reconstruction. Methodology. The problematic issues of maintenance and operation of railway and road bridges in modern conditions are highlighted. Comprehensive measures aimed at extending the lifetime of these transport infrastructure objects through major repairs and reconstructions have been identified. On the basis of the analysis, conclusions were drawn about the need to improve the methods of strengthening the foundations of bridges during the renewal and reconstruction. Findings. Generalization of the modern foreign and domestic methods of strengthening the foundations of bridges provided the possibility of researching the most effective, cost-effective and easy-to-perform structures. Four directions of development of foundation strengthening are proposed: 1) increasing the area of support for shallow foundations on natural foundations; 2) arrangement of additional pile foundations with combining them into a common structural system with existing foundations and the construction of additional supports; 3) strengthening the existing pile foundations by changing the bearing capacity of the bases; 4) arrangement of other structural elements to ensure the reinforcement of the existing foundations of bridges. Originality. It consists in setting the task of strengthening the foundations of highway bridges during the renewal or reconstruction. Practical value. Based on the results of the analysis, we can recommend the most economically justified and quickly implemented methods of strengthening the foundations of bridges for design decisions in the implementation of state programs for the construction and development of the transport and road complex of Ukraine and in modern world practice.

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