
One of the urgent tasks for the successful development of animal husbandry in the country is the elimination of the harm caused by blood-sucking diptera insects - hematophages and carriers of pathogens of a number of diseases dangerous to humans and animals, and the development of comprehensive measures to protect animals from them. In summertime the negative impact renders midges which consist of 4 families of blood-sucking insects - gadflies (Tabanidae), mosquitoes (Culicidae), midges (Simuliidae) and wood lice (Ceratopogonidae), and their almost universal distribution is very closely connected with existence nearby of swamps, marshy lowlands, various reservoirs and the rivers. Animals lose about 120-150 ml of blood during the periods of mass attacks - significantly affects the healthy state of the organism, the general resistance decreases, there is a risk of development of diseases of various etiology. Animals lose average daily weight gain, in particular it is noticeable in young animals. Gnat bites has irritant effect on the skin, until the formation of allergic dermatitis caused by saliva toxicity (after massive bites of midges simulidotoxicosis can develop). The insects of the gnats complex are carriers of pathogens of dangerous infectious and invasive diseases: anthrax, tularemia, necrobacteriosis, encephalitis, Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus, infectious anemia of horses, bluetongue, West Nile fever, Schmallenberg virus, leptospirosis, malaria, onchocerciasis, dirofilariasis. These factors add up to the overall economic damage, when during the summer period livestock farms receive less than 20-45% of meat products and 25-40% of dairy products. Thus, the direction of the fight against the vulture has economic feasibility for most countries of the world with developed agriculture, the veterinary need for quality products and is an urgent topic for conducting cost-effective production that can fully satisfy the needs of the population.

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