
Existing methods for calculating nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from animal by-products processing systems (manure and manure) use emission factors depending on the technologies used and climatic conditions. The calculation based on Methodological Recommendations for conducting a voluntary inventory of greenhouse gas emissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is consolidated. It is performed on three methodological levels. The 1st is applied using the default N2O emission factors. A more detailed level 1 method takes into account the average annual nitrogen excretion. In the level 2 method, calculations are made taking into account the feeding ration and data on the average annual nitrogen excretion. Each method results in a large range of calculated values of N2O emission. A more specific calculation is offered by the methodology developed within the framework of the international project «Manure Standards». The purpose of the work is to calculate N2O emissions using the example of a cattle complex (hereinafter referred to as cattle) in the Leningrad Region using the specified methods to determine emission factors that require clarification.Studies have established that the N2O emission calculated according to the methodology of the «Manure Standards» project is 336 kg/year. N2O emissions calculated according to the Methodological Recommendations range from 182.04 to 1604.6 kg/year, depending on the values of the emission factors.

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