
Meteorological drought, as a natural and significant phenomenon in the field of hydrometeorology, refers to the scarcity of precipitation and moisture in a specific region. This research was conducted with the objectives of understanding the intensity and duration of weather droughts in Afghanistan, categorizing the extent of weather droughts in Afghanistan, and detecting the trend of weather droughts across the country. To investigate the droughts in Afghanistan, daily precipitation data from the Afrodite database version V1101 was utilized, which covered the statistical precipitation records during the period of 1950-2015. Using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) as a measure of drought severity, duration, and frequency, the status of droughts was examined. Based on the analysis, significant trends of droughts were observed in the northern, northeastern, southwestern, and northwestern regions of Afghanistan. Furthermore, the results indicated the occurrence of three periods: wet, normal, and drought, during the study period. The climatic conditions classification during our study period demonstrated that mild moist conditions occurred repeatedly in certain regions of Afghanistan, especially in provinces such as Khost, Paktia, Logar, Kabul, eastern Ghazni, Parwan, Panjshir, Bamyan, Kunduz, southern Takhar, Balkh, Jawzjan, Faryab, Badghis, and northern Herat. On the contrary, severe droughts were more prevalent in the eastern, northeastern, central, and southern regions of Afghanistan. Additionally, mild and moderate droughts were observed in many areas.

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