
Research about Analysis of Medium Characteristic Based on Grain Size Gua Mimpi Maros Karst Region Bantimurung-Bulusaraung National Park. Sample of the research location in Gua Mimpi on the cave floor, which divided into 6 trajectories with a distance of 100 meters each trajectory that starts from the mouth of Gua Mimpi. The width of the cave is divided into three points. Soil samples taken from the research location are then tested in a laboratory to obtain the value of soil grain size and soil permeability. Based on the results of physical soil tests that have been carried out, it is known that the grain size of the soil obtained from the research results is a type of soil dust to very coarse sand with a diameter of (0.002 - 2.0) mm. Obtained by hydraulic conductivity that is equal 3.75 x 10−4 cm/s, large and small value of the permeability of the soil obtained. The permeability value of the soil obtained at each sampling point is different, with the average permeability coefficient of the soil is 3.75 x 10−5 cm/s which means the ability of the soil to pass water to the Gua Mimpi is slow.

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