
This study aims to analyze the mathematics learning outcomes of elementary school students using Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) -based learning. HOTS-based learning is expected to improve student competence, especially in higher-order thinking skills, namely the ability to think critically, creatively, and analytically. This research is preliminary data to determine student learning outcomes. This research was conducted in 5 elementary schools in 5 clusters located in Girimarto District. The study was conducted with a total of 106 students, with details of 53 male students and 53 female students. The results of the analysis show that the students' high-order thinking skills are still in the low category. This is evidenced by 46.86% of students mastering the critical thinking component, 37.50% of students mastering the creative thinking component, and only 30.82% of students mastering the analytical thinking component. The average of the three components is 37.61%. This study recommends the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model as an effort to improve mathematics learning outcomes of elementary school students. It is expected that students' higher-order thinking skills will be more honed so that they can become provisions in the future. PBL learning model is a learning model that can improve students' higher-order thinking skills. This learning model allows students to learn by doing and applying ideas obtained from available data or information.

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