
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.With increasing popluation in old people, more attention has been paid to the body-building exercises of the aged in terms of health and preventive diseases. This paper analyzed the main body-building exercises of the aged in order to offer references to the aged's exercises and promote their body-building exercises and health. The results showed that the main body-building exercises of the aged were aerobic sports such as walking, jogging, shadow boxing, and body-building dancing. The aged benefit a lot from these relevant activities.在人口老年化的今天,老年人的健身活動倍受人們關注。本文對現有有關我國老年人主要健身專案及作用的資料進行整理分析,試圖通過分析為老年人的體育健身活動提供一定的參考,以促進老年人的健身運動和身體健康。研究結果認為我國老年人主要健身活動為:散步跑步、太極拳等拳術、健身操、舞蹈等有氧運動,適宜的活動有益於增強老年人體質。人的衰老是必然規律。按照聯合國的規定,60歲以上的人稱為老年人,如果一個國家或地區的老年人佔該國家或地區的人口總數的10%以上,稱之為老年型國家或地區〔1〕。我國人口已經進入老齡化階段,老年人體質狀況倍受人們關注。隨著我國社會經濟的發展,群眾性體育運動的廣泛開展,人民生活條件和體質條件不斷改善,並且,自1994年12月原國家體委提出"全民健身計劃"以來,"發展體育運動,增強人民體質"開始深入人心〔2〕,體育促進健康的觀念也被廣泛接受,更多的老年人開始參加健身活動並從中受益。

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