
The joints in timber structures are often the decisive factor in determining the load-bearing capacity, rigidity, sustainability, and durability of timber structures. Compared with the fasteners used for steel and concrete structures, fasteners for timber structures generally have a lower load-bearing capacity and rigidity, with the exception of glued joints. Glued joints in timber structures constitute a diverse group of rigid joints which are distinguished by sudden failure when the joint’s load-bearing capacity is reached. In this contribution, the load-bearing capacity of a longitudinal joint for a beam under simple flexural stress is analyzed using glued, double-sided splices. Joints with double-sided splices and connecting screws were also tested to compare the load-bearing capacity and rigidity. A third series of tests was carried out on joints made using glued double-sided splices augmented with screws. The aim of this combined joint was to ensure greater ductility after the load-bearing capacity of the glued splice joint had been reached.


  • Timber use in the building industry has grown because of its sustainability, great material properties, and renewability

  • Besides commonly used connections in the building industry for joining timber elements, the second largest group consists of connections used for the reconstruction of timber structure elements—for its strengthening or for the replacement of damaged sections of wood

  • The mean value of the maximum force acting on the joint with glued LVL splices was Rbc = 28.86 kN, aTnhde mweitahnsvoalliudetoimf thbeermsapxliimceusmit fworacse Racbtci=ng3o0.n8t0hkeNjo.inTthweitmh egalunevdaLlVueL sopf lviceerstiwcaalsdRebfco=rm28a.t8i6onkNat, amnadxwimitahl sfoolricdetwimitbhergslupleidceLs VitLwsapslRicbecs=w3a0s.880.3k8Nm

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Timber use in the building industry has grown because of its sustainability, great material properties, and renewability This has brought new trends, in the field of innovative wood-based materials and the joining of the timber structure elements. Replacement of damaged sections is typical for beams loaded mostly with bending For these joints it is possible to use either glued joints or joints with steel fasteners. The load-bearing capacity and deformation of these joints are influenced by considerably more factors than in the case of glued-in steel rod or plate joints [8]. Regarding the load-carrying capacity of the joint, the glue line strength is determined as where Atc is the active glued area of the joint, and fv,k is the shear strength of the splice material. InInththeeapappplilciacabblelesstatannddaarrddss,,tthheeccaallccuullaattiioonn ooff llooaadd--ccarrying capacittyy foorr coommbbiinneeddjjooiinnttsswwiitthh glguluededananddmmeecchhaannicicaallfafasstteenneerrssiissnnoottddeessccrriibbeedd;; tthhus, the maximum strennggtthh iiss nnoott ddeessiiggnnaatteeddffoorr thtehseesejojoinintst.s.EEssseenntitaiallyly, ,jojoinintstsooffvvaarryyininggrriiggiiddiittyysshhoouullddnnoott be combined, and iifftthheeyyaarree,,tthheeyysshhoouuldld hhavaveeatatlelaesatstaasismimilialarrloloaadd-c-caarrryyininggccaappaacciittyy

Combination of Gluing and Screws
Screw Joints
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