
The segment pattern of larval cuticular structures was examined for individuals bearing lethal genotypes associated with the Antennapedia gene complex (ANT-C). The results provide new evidence for the role of this complex in body segmentation in Drosophila and demonstrate that the ANT-C, like the bithorax complex, effects both larval and imaginal tissues. Lethal genotypes involving new EMS induced lesions or dominant homoeotic mutations ( Antp or Antp Scx ) of the Antennapedia complementation group show anomalies in the larval meso- and metathorax. The phenotype is interpreted as a homoeotic transformation of the meso- and metathorax to prothorax. We suggest that Antp + functions in the elicitation of mesothoracic development above that of a prothoracic level in the ventral meso- and metathorax. The lethality of the Sex combs reduced complementation group, which includes the mutation Multiple sex combs ( Msc), is characterized by incomplete head formation and the lack of definitive prothoracic ventral setal belts. These results indicate that Scr + is necessary for normal development of the prothorax and are consistent with earlier interpretations based on adult phenotypes. Five other lethal complementation sites, assigned to polytene chromosome interval 84A-B1,2 have been analyzed. They are not associated with dominant homoeotic phenotypes in the adult. The terminal phenotype of individuals carrying lethal mutations in the W36, R11, or R14 complementation groups demonstrate that these loci are important in normal anterior development and/or body segmentation and suggest functional relationships to the homoeotic mutations previously localized to the 84A-84B1,2 polytene interval.

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