
Large-language models like ChatGPT have recently received a great deal of attention. One area of interest pertains to how these models could be used in biomedical contexts, including related to human genetics. To assess one facet of this, we compared the performance of ChatGPT versus human respondents (13,642 human responses) in answering 85 multiple-choice questions about aspects of human genetics. Overall, ChatGPT did not perform significantly differently (p = 0.8327) than human respondents; ChatGPT was 68.2% accurate, compared to 66.6% accuracy for human respondents. Both ChatGPT and humans performed better on memorization-type questions versus critical thinking questions (p < 0.0001). When asked the same question multiple times, ChatGPT frequently provided different answers (16% of initial responses), including for both initially correct and incorrect answers, and gave plausible explanations for both correct and incorrect answers. ChatGPT's performance was impressive, but currently demonstrates significant shortcomings for clinical or other high-stakes use. Addressing these limitations will be important to guide adoption in real-life situations.

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