
One of the areas in Central Java Province that is prone to flooding is Sragen Regency. The distribution of flood disasters occurs in commensurate rivers and river confluences in lowlands which are dominated by settlements and agricultural land. The purpose of this study was to analyze the distribution of landforms along riverbanks in residential areas and rice fields, refugee shelter locations and evacuation routes for handling disaster risk reduction. The research method is grounded research by recording the population census and public facilities at the affected residential locations. Determination of evacuation locations and routes by using evacuation criteria parameters and safe distance parameters to determine the classification of refugee evacuation locations. The results of the study found that there was a lack of understanding of the landforms of river borders for agricultural and residential land, the utilization and loss of embankments on comparable rivers, especially in areas of interconnection between rivers in the lowlands. To minimize the risk of flooding, it is necessary to add EWS, river border land that is already owned by the community, the use of right of use must be gradually returned as a river border and the selection of the right location and route evacuation.

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