
Based on waste generation projection in 2040, the total waste generation in Gianyar Regency was approximately about 1,208.88 m3/day from a total occupant of 593,436 inhabitants in Gianyar Regency. The existing supporting capacity of Temesi Final Disposal (Temesi Landfill) was 51,500 m3; meanwhile, the total waste generation in Gianyar Regency in 2020 is up to 146,356 m3 consequently Temesi Landfill was overloaded by untreated solid waste since 2020. To reduce waste generation and decrease the treatment burden in Temesi Landfill, solid waste management using 3R methods from household clusters needs to be applied. Using 3R concept, eventually, the waste generation that is disposed into Temesi Landfill can be reduced significantly by 63%, from 1,208.88 m3/day into 446 m3/day with a total weight of 148 tonne/day in 2040. Within the 3R waste management from households, the land requirement could be reduced to only 1.08 Ha in 2020 and 14.35 Ha in 2040 from previously about 3 Ha and 39 Ha. Within the forecast results, it is concluded that the upstream 3R scenario has a significant impact on reducing waste generation; thus, it will also lead to fewer landfill area demands.

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